Unused Gift Card Buy Back
Do you have any unused gift cards, or ones with small, remaining balances that you don’t know what to do with? Or perhaps, it’s been so long that you don’t even know the balances at all? Time to dig through your wallets and drawers. DONO will exchange them with DONO currency for you!
At DONO, we understand how frustrating it is to have unused gift cards collecting dust. You are NOT alone! Bankrate states that 51% of U.S. adults have unused gift cards with an average value of $116 per person.
DONO put a gift card buy-back program together for you to trade in your unused gift cards for DONO currency, which can be used anywhere Mastercard® is accepted. You are no longer confined to spending your money at one place. As an added bonus, all your spending info and balance is stored on the DONO app for you so you never have to dig up your gift cards or call that dreaded 1-800 number to get your balance again!
Sign up below to learn more about exchanging your unwanted gift cards for DONO!