The Countdown to Christmas Begins
Happy December! We are six days in and already, to no one’s surprise, the holiday hustle and bustle is very much alive. Parking lots are filled with car horns, break lights and the merry-go-round of cars looking for empty spots. People are excited; as things seem to normalize during an ever-evolving pandemic, it is exciting to be out and about in crowds shopping for the special people on our holiday list—or is it?
It can be daunting shopping for gifts in shops that are (gasp!) indoors and (gasp again!) with crowds of people. Do we wear a mask or not? I’m vaccinated but is it still safe? Does Aunt Sally really need the lipstick I wanted to gift her because with some cities mandating masks, is anyone wearing lipstick anymore? Questions we never thought we would be asking come to the forefront as we remind ourselves to look beyond the craziness of the holidays and take a deep breath (not too deep though because…#pandemiclife).
Avoid the questions, the worry, the parking lots and the Aunt Sally lipstick dilemma and send a trouble-free and effortless gift of DONO. A personalized DONO gift card provides endless options for the people on your holiday list to spend on anything, anywhere and even, should they choose, inside a (gasp!) physical store!